The 3 Pillars To Transformative Productivity & Well-Being

Dr. Kashyap Thimmaraju

Product Details

  • Type: eBook (pdf)
  • Pages: 57
  • Language: English
  • Publish Date: May 13, 2022

Price: € 24.00


The Planning-Focus-Review cycle can help you approach productivity and task management from a more stripped-down yet cohesive and thorough perspective. It’s an excellent primer on becoming and being more efficient in terms of whatever it is you want to achieve in your work life.

Dr. Kaustubh Thirumalai | Assistant Professor | University of Arizona

“The 3-Pillars of Plan-Focus-Review is a sustainable framework that creates flow. Good systems create flow. Things don’t pile up. Once there is flow, you can walk with confidence. You are not going to get crushed when something comes your way. A new job comes up. You can own it, mean it and deliver ahead of time.

Anand Gopal | COO | Voiro

“The timer method is very motivating. It prevents me from getting distracted by other tasks especially when I have to review several reports. I work in 20 minute intervals and I can get 6 reviews done before lunch.

Dr. Stefan Schmid | Professor | University of Vienna

Do you want to be more efficient?

How many days in a week do you feel like there’s simply no time for the things that matter the most to you?

Overloaded schedules, constantly switching between tasks, energy draining meetings, lingering thoughts of work in the night and just being stretched too thin.

What if you could find the time in your busy day to work on your long term goals, finish your tasks faster, feel successful at the end of the day, know that you can go to bed with a peace of mind and still have time to work out, unwind with your family or simply do what matters to you?

Today I want to show you the exact system I’ve used to get more done and still have the time and energy for the things that matter the most to me: eating a nice warm home-cooked meal, fooling around with my kid and talking heart-to-heart with my partner. Many times, I’ve saved eights hours per week–yes, 8. How?

By following a 3-pillar system of Plan->Focus->Review I have transformed my productivity and well-being forever.

What can the 3-pillar system do for you?

Before I dive into the details of the three pillars, let me give you a sense of what life is like with this system in place.

Shorten the work week and have more time for yourself

One of the ultimate dreams. The answer is simple. I make general plans for the week and detailed plans for the weekdays. I regularly review my appointments and commitments, and prioritize what really needs to get done. And then, I carve out the time for my tasks and goals in my calendar. I also block out time for myself or whatever it is I want to do: cook, attend a concert, take up a new class.

A busy week but still found time for a concert and cooking

Get a lot of work done in a short amount of time

Notifications, reminders, badges, banners, alerts, phone calls and pop-ups are attention seekers and energy drainers. To concentrate on the task at hand is probably the single most valuable skill you can have to get things done fast. I’m able to finish tasks fast not because I have a super-computer brain or endless memory. It’s because I’ve taken care of tiny distracting forces that would have otherwise attracted my attention. And most importantly, I’ve made it a game of working against the clock. The combination helps me enter the hyperfocus zone and stay in the zone.

How I’ve set-up my phone, desk and dock

Feel good about yourself at the end of the day

Many people get a lot done in a day but don’t have that feeling of accomplishment. Why? Simply because they did not pause for a few minutes before calling it a day, to reflect on all the work they completed. Or, to realize the fact that they got one step closer to their long term goals. I make it a point every evening to review what I worked on. This gives me a real sense of accomplishment whether it’s one task (which is most likely to be the most important) or ten.

Having a nice time after work at home and out with friends

Not think about work when you are not working

I used to ruminate over work sooo often: check emails in the middle of the night, feel anxious about a piling list of tasks with imminent deadlines and lay in bed with thoughts of incomplete tasks or mull over emails from colleagues. I turned that all around by regularly reviewing and planning my days and weeks. In addition to reducing screen time on my phone I have considerably increased my well-being: I don’t wake up at 4 am and have thoughts firing away like 120 bpm music.

A peace of mind while I’m not working

14 more examples of how the three pillars system can help you

This is merely the tip of the ice berg.

  1. Prepare yourself for a role with more responsibility
  2. Maintain a work-life harmony
  3. Find free time in a triple booked calendar
  4. Live a lifestyle where you can work remotely from any part of the world
  5. Prevent tasks from falling between the cracks
  6. Take more breaks
  7. Peace of mind
  8. Spend more time working out
  9. Compartmentalize tasks
  10. Reduce decision fatigue
  11. Achieve your goals
  12. End the day with a positive mental state
  13. Prepare yourself for a leadership role
  14. Avoid working on the weekends

Why aren’t others using the three pillar system

The three pillar system is not meant for everyone. Frankly, if you feel like you’ve got a good grip on your life and you have a system that has proven itself to you in your hardest times, then the three pillars system might not be meant for you.


  1. If you can manage your workload without feeling stressed out or overwhelmed and still have the time to pursue your personal interests or what you value, then you might not need the three pillar system
  2. If you sincerely think that you do not even have a little control over your day, then the three pillar system might not be for you
  3. If you are not looking to take on more responsibility in your personal or professional life

But if you are busy, and you realize that you could use a little more structure, a little more focus and a little more satisfaction in your life—or that you could be more intentional about the time you spend at work and outside work, or training to run a marathon with a full time job or spending more time with your partner or family—then the three pillar system could be exactly what you want.

You know what, there was a time when I was not following the three pillar system. I was struggling to balance my life. As a researcher, I had multiple projects going on in parallel, managed teams, contributed to grant writing and teaching duties and was highly motivated to publish my research in top scientific conferences and journals. I had pages filled with todos.

One of my to-do lists

So I followed the advice I heard growing up which was “to burn the midnight oil” or “work hard”. That translated to always having work on my mind. I assumed that holidays and breaks deterred productivity. My partner even went on two vacations without me as I felt I was buried so deep in work.

In preparation for a grant, I learned about the principles, systems and practices that leaders use to be highly effective. I came across various planning strategies, the value of timing and how to overcome decision fatigue. It became evident that my approach to work and life was not sustainable. If I wanted to be effective at work and still have an overall sense of well-being, I would have to make structural changes to my life.

I was determined to change. Without self-determination, change is unlikely.

I scoured editorial articles, books, podcasts and academic journals for high-quality information on how to be more productive and still have a peace of mind. I was committed to trying new things so that I could get a lot of work done and still have time for myself.

experimented regularly. I leveraged my scientific mindset and research skills to sift through the literature and identify truly valuable and actionable resources.

It’s a slow process and it took me weeks and months to arrive at meaningful results.

The changes I made were small and incremental. That prevented me from feeling overwhelmed. I could also evaluate if the change was effective or not.

In full disclosure, some of the techniques I came across did not seem attractive or easy at all. I still gave them a shot. Surprisingly, a couple of them form the bedrock to the three pillars system.

  1. When I learned about planning and reviewing the week, I thought that’s such a waste of my weekend. I’m working through the week and now I’m supposed to use my weekend to plan the following?? No way! However, knowing the potential benefit of freeing up eight hours in the following week motivated me to try it out a few times. I made the planning and review process a nice time for myself and went to a really nice cafe and got myself a freshly brewed filter coffee and a carrot cake. I found a cozy table, put on my headphones and got cracking. Sundays became my holy day.
  2. Trying to finish a task before the timer beeps seemed really stressful to me. I felt like I did not need additional stress in my life, I had enough to deal with already. I was still curious to know if it helped. I used my second screen and set the timer (Google has one) to 60 minutes. I got distracted often until those last 15 minutes. At which point I found the artificial stress helped me focus and get closer to the finish line. Nowadays, I’ve always got my timer in front of me when I work.

Over the past five years, I’ve built a repertoire of techniques that has led to the 3-pillar system. It has taken a lot of research and experimentation to test what works and what does not. I view it as my duty to share what I’ve discovered to help you optimize your productivity and well-being. Living my life with the 3-pillar system has truly transformed the way I view and live my life.

Let me show you how you can do it, too.

Introducing …

The 3 Pillars to Transformative Productivity & Well-Being

Optimize the potential within you

The book that gives you the system, strategies and tactics you need to boost your productivity and well-being

The Three Pillars book is a 57 page cover-to-cover PDF that includes:

  1. Easy to comprehend concepts with illustrations
  2. The plan, focus, review process
  3. Detailed planning strategies
  4. How to increase your focus
  5. How to reduce distractions
  6. How to reflect and review your performance
  7. Every method also includes implementation challenges and solutions
  8. Checklists
  9. Google doc templates
  10. References to my sources so that you can fact check or learn more on individual topics

More specifically:

1. Planning

What you’ll learn:
  • Why planning is important
  • 4 steps to planning the month
  • 4 steps to planning the week
  • 4 steps to plan the day
  • Prioritization heuristics
  • A note taking system
  • How to include buffer space in your daily plan
  • What to do when plans get disrupted
  • When to plan the month, week and day
  • And, 14 more implementation solutions

2. Focus

What you’ll learn:
  • Why it’s important to focus and follow through on your plans
  • How to handle interruptions so that you can follow through on your plan
  • How to avoid getting distracted by the Internet even if using the Internet is a part of your task
  • How to focus on the task at hand
  • How to work in intervals with a timer so that you can finish tasks fast
  • How to eliminate distractions by cleaning up your screen, eliminating attention seekers and keeping your phone out of sight
  • 16 implementation solutions

3. Review

What you’ll learn:
  • Why reflection and review are important to complete the process
  • How to end your day with a sense of accomplishment
  • 5 questions to ask yourself after you’re done working
  • How to review your week in 3 easy steps
  • How to reflect on the month
  • 4 questions to put the past month into perspective
  • 10 implementation solutions

Features & Benefits

Concise & distilled

This book is designed to be short and sweet so that you can save yourself the time and energy from reading multiple sources, experimenting with them and then piecing together the techniques into a practical system. I’ve done all that for you and presented the most valuable methods in a clear and crisp form that’s quick and actionable. Start today and experience changes today!

Experience results faster than I did

By implementing what’s described in this book, you can certainly step up your game in fraction of the time and energy it took me. You don’t have to make the mistakes I made. You can implement things in an order that will help you achieve results faster than I experienced. There are also templates and checklists to get you started.

Backed by research

The key concepts presented in this book are grounded in scientific research so that you can trust what’s in there rather than brush it off as personal opinion.

Detailed implementation solutions

I’ve included potential challenges and solutions to following the methods described in the book so that it’s easier for you to implement the concepts in the book.

Practical & flexible

It’s a practical manual with concrete steps towards getting a handle on day-to-day (and week-to-week and month-to-month) task management as well as a viable and flexible resource that provides templates so that you have the freedom to choose whichever type of device you want to use (analog/digital, journaling, app-based, etc.)

60 day money back guarantee

I’ve put in a lot of effort to make The Three Pillars book practical and applicable to your life. I want to give you 60 days to read over it, make notes and try it out for yourself to make sure you see true results. If you don’t free up at least one hour in your work week within 60 days of buying the book, I want you to email me. Show me you did something from the book, and I’ll give you all your money back.

Get the book

€ 24.00

If you have any questions or concerns about the book, email me:

Q & A

  • Will I see results immediately?
    Ummm….yes and no. Implementing some of the concepts will give you immediate results but a major transformation is most likely only in the long term. You could expect to perceive considerable results in two months. Changing the way you operate takes time, effort and depends on your life situation, so your mileage might vary.
  • Could I not do this on my own for free?
    You could, but it’ll take you a long time to do the research (there’s a ton of (mis)information out there), experiment and filter the techniques that work. I’ve already done that for you. What’s even better is that I’ve combined and distilled concepts from different authoritative books and research into a concise form so all you have to do is start. I’ve even included implementation challenges, something that’s usually missing in the literature but so very valuable to know.
  • Am I not doing this already?
    There’s a good chance you’re already doing some or most of what’s presented in this book already. However, some of the practices might have slipped. This book attempts to re-inspire you to reincorporate that into your repertoire.
  • How much time is the book going to take me to complete?
    Honestly, it’s really difficult for me to say exactly how much time you will need to put all the concepts from the three pillar system into action. Expect to spend a few hours reading the book and at the same time to take notes or think of ways you can incorporate the ideas into your life. Then consider taking one method at a time and try it out for one, two, three or four weeks and see what happens. Once you’re comfortable, add more to your reportoire.
  • Which method should I implement first?
    My number one pick is to start with the daily wrap up! You will be amazed at how effective this is at ending the day in a positive mental state but also spurs you on to plan and focus.

Get the book

€ 24.00

If you have any questions or concerns about the book, email me:


“The book unpacks the complex ecosystem of productivity by providing insane depth in a few pages. Super powerful stuff that is easily digestible and makes you come out looking to apply things. The length and volume are great! The fact that the 3-Pillars is based on science shows that it’s not just Dr. Thimmaraju’s opinion but based on real numbers and data.”

Gautham Ram Pingali
EVP | Mindshare

“Re-inspired me to practice things I already knew”

Satyajit Amaran PhD
Research Scientist | Dow

“The Planning-Focus-Review cycle can help you approach productivity and task management from a more stripped-down yet cohesive and thorough perspective. It’s an excellent primer on becoming and being more efficient in terms of whatever it is you want to achieve in your work life.”

Dr. Kaustubh Thirumalai
Assistant Professor | University of Arizona

The 3-Pillars of Plan-Focus-Review is a sustainable framework that creates flow. Good systems create flow. Things don’t pile up. Once there is flow, you can walk with confidence. You are not going to get crushed when something comes your way. A new job comes up. You can own it, mean it and deliver ahead of time.

Anand Gopal
COO | Voiro

Truly inspired and wanting more. I found the implementation notes in the Focus chapter to be really valuable.”

Anirudh Sankar
Principal Product Manager | JLL Technologies

The timer is very motivating. It prevents me from getting distracted by other tasks especially when I have to review several reports. I work in 20 minute intervals and I can get 6 reviews done before lunch.

Dr. Stefan Schmid
Professor | University of Vienna

Get the book

€ 24.00

If you have any questions or concerns about the book, email me: